
My Order

Delikado (15)

Aldeburgh Cinema, Saturday 19 Nov 2022, 09:30  - ends at 11:30

Palawan appears to be an idyllic tropical island. Its powder-white beaches and lush forests have made it one of Asia’s hottest new tourist destinations. But for a tiny network of environmental crusaders and vigilantes trying to protect its natural resources, it is more akin to a battlefield.

Delikado follows Bobby, Tata and Nieves, three magnetic leaders of this network, as they risk their lives struggling – against the odds – to stop corrupt politicians and businessmen from destroying the Philippines’ “last ecological frontier”. Director Karl Malkunas is a filmmaker who lived in the Philippines for 8 years while working as Manila Bureau Chief for Agence French-Presse. Delikado offers a story of courage and resilience to inspire others into action.

Post film discussion: Chair: Humphrey Hawksley, former BBC foreign correspondent and author.

Catherine Barnard, CEO World Land Trust.

Howard Johnson, BBC Philippines correspondent.

Feature: 94 mins        Session: 120 mins

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